Benefits for Boynton Beach Mold Damage Remediation
6/6/2022 (Permalink)

SERVPRO Mold Cleanup Techniques Can Help Boynton Beach Homeowners Lessen Loss
When Boynton Beach homeowners discover a mold infestation in their home, it is not unusual to find out they jumped on the Internet and looked up various DIY methods for handling the situation. The mold usually benefits most from this action because those home remedy methods for mold growth typically have little to no effect. A common myth is bleach and water can end the problem. Regarding this often-suggested solution, nothing could be further from the truth; not only can bleach ruin surfaces, but it also will not eradicate the issue, which is usually linked to a leak or other moisture issue within the structure.
SERVPRO technicians know that mold spores occur naturally inside and outside Boynton Beach properties. Mold damage occurs when these spores encounter ideal humidity levels and germinate on a surface. Once active, the issue can spread rapidly throughout the home, including the ductwork. Using a professional restoration service company ensures that the spore populations within the property get reduced to safe levels that are harmless due to low interior humidity levels.
Does Mold Damage Remediation Clean Existing Colonies?
When a homeowner sees mold growing on a wall, there is often a much larger problem lurking behind the scenes. SERVPRO technicians have comprehensive training to do more than simply clean visible mold colonies. The techs also:
- Have heavy mold mitigation training
- Use of EPA-registered solutions for surface cleaning
- Containment procedures to inhibit cross-contamination
Typical Ways Mold Damage Impacts Residential Properties
When spores settle within a property, the germination does not usually occur until the right conditions are in place. This means the spores need poor ventilation, elevated humidity levels over 50% on a near-constant level, and preferred warm temps. Likely places to see early signs of a mold infestation are:
- Cardboard boxes
- Drywall is a favorite snack because of its paperboard surfaces
- Subfloors and untreated plywood behind shower enclosures
Signs of Mold Damage
When homeowners notice a damp area in a room or a constant musty odor that never diminishes, the presence of mold damage should be considered. Microbes can grow and thrive on wood and concrete and can cause deterioration to structural elements if not neutralized through professional remediation.
SERVPRO Performs Mold Remediation Using Advanced Applications
Among the technicians' various tools and equipment is a host of professional EPA-registered cleaning agents specifically formulated to handle microbes and bacteria. The techs handle mold remediation according to the Institute of Inspection, Cleaning, and Restoration Certification (IICRC) protocols. There are multiple ways to apply the various biocide and antimicrobial solutions, ranging from spraying, fogging, or manual application with clothes or laser targeting areas with mold using syringes filled with cleaner.
Will the Mold Return?
SERVPRO technicians take steps during the professional mold damage remediation service to inhibit the return of the problem for the homeowner. Mold growth within an area of a home is almost always indicative of a more significant issue within the structure sustaining the colony. The technicians can diagnose the cause of the mold infestation and show the homeowner the steps or repairs necessary to eliminate the conditions assisting the mold as it spreads and thrives within the structure.
Boynton Beach residents trust SERVPRO of Boynton Beach at (561) 861-2537 for all their mold damage remediation needs. The techs arrive quickly and do a thorough job turning around a home through cleanup and restoration services.